Bo Grönlund

MC Members

Bo Grönlund is Associate Prof. Emeritus at KADK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation in Copenhagen, where he has been teaching since 1971. He has been working with Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning (CP-UDP) since 1985 and is a co-author of the Danish Standards in the field, the Swedish Police Safe Housing Guidelines and the CEN Crime Prevention Standard on Urban Planning.

Through his almost 50 year career, Bo’s professional range is wider though. It includes urban design and new urbanism, urban and regional planning and strategic planning both through teaching, research and consultancy and it also include cross disciplinary perspectives. For many years his research focused on the concept and qualities of Urbanity and he worked together with Jan Gehl for more than 15 years in the 1980s and 1990s. In the later years Bo has taken part in several competitions and consultancy tasks on problem housing areas i Denmark together with the young Danish architectural firm Effekt as well as in a major research and development project within the Danish Crime Prevention Council on CP-UDP in five Danish municipalities.

Bo is also involved into the Danish architectural politics, both nationally and in his home town Elsinore.

Member of the Danish Crime Prevention Council for the Danish Association of Architects
Member of the Safe Danish Municipalities’ advisory board
Member of the Swedish Safety Academy
Member of ICA, The International CPTED Association